A BILL (Rough Draft Submitted to Congress for Consideration)
To establish strict deadlines for the federal budget process, enforce accountability measures for non-compliance, discourage reliance on continuing resolutions (CRs), mandate balanced budgets, and enhance transparency in government financial operations.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, with the approval of President Donald J. Trump,
This Act may be cited as the "Fiscal Accountability and Financial Oversight Act of 2025" or the "FAFO Act."
(a) Findings.
Congress finds the following:
(b) Purpose.
The purpose of this Act is to:
For the purposes of this Act:
(a) Budget Timeline Alignment.
To ensure fiscal responsibility and timely planning, the budget process shall be fully aligned with the fiscal year, which runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following year. All deadlines for submissions, reviews, and adoptions shall be adjusted to ensure that the budget is fully enacted and in place before the start of the fiscal year. Any conflicting statutory deadlines in the United States Code (USC) shall be amended to conform with the timelines established by this Act.
(b) Agency Submissions.
Federal agencies shall submit budget requests to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) no later than May 1 of each year for the following fiscal year. Budget requests must include detailed line items for every program or expenditure.
(c) Citizen Review of Agency Budgets.
Citizens shall have the right to review all federal agency proposed budgets as submitted to the OMB. Proposed budgets shall be posted on the Public Disclosure Platform no later than May 10 of each year to ensure transparency and public engagement.
(d) Presidential Budget Submission.
The President shall submit a comprehensive and balanced budget proposal to Congress by June 1 of each year. (31 U.S.C. § 1105)
(e) Congressional Budget Resolution.
Congress shall adopt a balanced budget resolution under 2 U.S.C. § 632 by July 1 of each year.
(f) Appropriations Bills.
(g) Implementation Preparation.
Agencies shall prepare for budget implementation between September 1 and September 30 to ensure seamless execution at the start of the fiscal year on October 1.
(h) Public Review Requirement.
The full written text of all proposed budgets shall be made publicly available on the Public Disclosure Platform no less than five (5) days before any congressional vote.
(a) Automatic Government Shutdown.
Failure to enact appropriations by September 30 shall result in an automatic shutdown beginning at 12:01 AM on October 1, excluding essential services. Essential services included, but are not limited to:
All other government operations shall cease, and all non-essential government employees shall be placed on leave without pay (furlough). Furloughed employees shall receive back pay only upon the enactment of a fully funded, balanced budget as required by this Act. If a balanced budget is not enacted, back pay shall not be authorized. The United States Government shall pay federal unemployment benefits to those employees placed on leave without pay, until such time as the enactment of a fully funded, balanced budget.
(b) Continuing Resolution Restrictions.
(c) Balanced Budget Requirement.
(d) Congressional Penalties.
(e) Executive Branch Penalties.
Non-compliance by the Executive Branch shall result in:
(a) Public Reporting.
OMB shall publish weekly progress reports on budget negotiations and appropriations status on the Public Disclosure Platform.
(b) Voting Records Disclosure.
Congress shall publicly disclose voting records on budget-related legislation within 24 hours of each vote.
(c) Citizen Access.
An online platform shall be established by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to provide:
(a) Transition Year Deadline Exceptions.
An exception to the budget deadlines shall be mandated every four years during a presidential election cycle.
In such years, all budget deadlines shall be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the transition while ensuring minimal disruption to government operations.
(b) Transition Year Agency Budget Submission.
Agencies shall specifically identify and disclose no later than July 1, funds held in reserve (a/k/a remaining budget and unspent balance) designated to operate the agency through September 30 of the current fiscal year. Agencies that have budget shortfalls due to mismanagement of funds shall immediately begin cost-cutting measures. Cost cutting measures should include but not be limited to consolidating operations and identifying efficiencies, institute hiring freezes and performance adjustments, and downsizing the agency’s employees where appropriate. Agencies must comply with the provisions of The Financial Accountability and Financial Oversight Act (FAFO) to ensure continuity of operations until Congress adopts a new budget. (31 U.S.C. § 1108).
(c) Presidential Transition Budget Submission.
In the event of the outgoing administration enacted a budget for the next fiscal year; to circumvent the new administration, The Financial Accountability and Financial Oversight Act (FAFO) allows an exception for transition years. The incoming President shall have full authority to submit a new comprehensive and balanced budget, which shall supersede any budget adopted under the previous administration. The exception ensures that no incoming administration is bound by the prior administration's budget.
Presidents and presidential candidates in election years shall submit their comprehensive and final balanced budget for the new year on or before November 5 of the preceding year (before election) to ensure transparency and continuity of fiscal planning. If the United States Code (USC) or any provisions thereof and rules require adjustments to comply with this requirement, they shall be amended in conjunction with this Act. (31 U.S.C. § 1105)
In presidential transition years, the incoming administration shall submit:
(d) Congressional Deadlines.
Congress shall adopt a balanced budget resolution under 2 U.S.C. § 632 by December 1 of the transition year, to be implemented in the next fiscal year, beginning January 1, recognizing the budget will not be affixed with the seal of the President prior to Inauguration Day.
(a) Supersession of Conflicting Laws:
The provisions of the Fiscal Accountability and Financial Oversight Act of 2025 (FAFO) shall supersede any conflicting provisions of the following laws and regulations:
(b) Precedence:
Where conflicts arise, FAFO shall prevail, and all agencies, departments, and branches of the federal government shall comply with the deadlines, requirements, and enforcement mechanisms established under this Act.
(c) Intent and Fiscal Year Alignment:
The intent of this Act is to align the budget process entirely within the fiscal year (October 1 – September 30), with the sole exception of a presidential transition year as outlined in Section 7. All conflicting federal statutes, codes, regulations, and executive guidelines shall be interpreted or amended to fulfill this intent.